At Gospel Center, being engaged in a small group is an integral way to become more connected to others. 

There are a variety of small group options. If you attend Gospel Center and are interested in learning more about small groups, 

fill out the Connect Form and let us know! 

Connect Form 


For our current small groups, we ask that attendance is reported each time you meet. 


Sermon questions for Small Groups

Below are discussion questions for each sermon.  These questions are meant to be more discussion and application oriented for small groups.  Please attend Sunday School for more in-depth Bible teaching.  Feel free to pick and choose the questions that will work best for your group.

  • Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 / Jonah 1:1-17

    • Share a story about a time when you or someone you know discovered that they were going the wrong direction.
    • Based on chapter one of Jonah, use one adjective to describe each: Jonah, God, and the sailors.  Once everyone has secretly chosen their adjectives, share and discuss.
    • In the sermon, multiple "warnings" were listed as cautions against running from the Lord.  Briefly list the warnings that Jonah experiences in this passage as he runs away from God.
    • In the lives of people around you, what warning signs do you see people often ignore as they run from the Lord?
    • When Jonah tells the sailors to throw him overboard, is it a selfless act to save the sailors or is it a selfish act demonstrating that Jonah would rather die than answer the Lord's call?  What do you think?
    • What does this passage teach us about God?
    • Apply:  What is the "Nineveh" that God is calling you to address in your life right now?
  • Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 / John 14:12-14

    • Warm Up:  What is one of the biggest request that you have ever made of someone?
    • Jesus says, "Ask anything in my name, and I will do it."  How can this be true?
    • How do we avoid shrinking this great promise of Jesus and at the same time obligating Jesus to meet our every wish?
    • How does the "work" of verses 12 relate to the "prayer" of verse 13?
    • What does it mean to pray "in Jesus' name"?
    • Do you have a big, specific request that you are making of Jesus in prayer right now?
  • Sunday, Oct 6, 2024 / 2 Peter 1:3-4

    • Warm Up:  What activity more than any other activity do Americans try to cover up with an excuse?
    • Discuss:  What phrase in 2 Peter 1:3-4 jumps out at you the most?  Why?
    • Question:  What phrase in 2.Peter 1:3-4 would you like someone to help you understand better?
    • Think:  Note that verse 5 says, "For this reason..."  All that is asked of Christians in verses 5 and following is based on the reason given in verses 3-4.  What is the reason?  In other words, what are verses 3 and 4 saying?
    • If you had to summarize verses 3 and 4 into one short sentence, what would that sentence be?
    • Apply:  Where in your life do you need to stop making an excuse for sin?
  • sunday, September 15, 2024 / Mt. 6:5-8

    • Warm Up:  Does it make you uncomfortable to pray in front of a group?  Why or why not?
    • Discuss:  Explain what "hypocritical prayer" and "pagan prayer" is according to Jesus?
    • Discuss:  Which is a greater temptation to people today - hypocritical prayer or pagan prayer?
    • Discuss:  Note the different ways that God is revealed in this passage.  How should the character of God shape our prayers?
    • Apply:  After reading this passage, what piece of advice would you share with a person who was trying to learn to pray?
  • Sunday, Sept 22, 2024 / Mt. 6:9-14

    • Warm Up:  What role has the Lord's Prayer played in your life over the years?  None?  Weekly in church?  Only at funerals?  Just occasionally?
    • Which word surprises you most in the prayers introduction, "Our," "Heavenly," or "Father:?  Why?
    • Which phrase is the hardest for you to understand, "Hallowed be your name," "Your Kingdom come," or "Your will be done"?
    • What needs do you most often pray about - physical, spiritual, or moral?
    • Do you agree or disagree with the early Christian teaching in the Didache to pray this prayer three times a day?  Why or why not?
    • Could you provide a one sentence explanation of each of the prayers phrases?  Have each person pick one phrase and offer their sentence.
    • If a new Christian were to ask you how to pray to God, would this prayer be the first place you would turn?  Why or why not?