Weekly Schedule
8:30 AM - Prayer Time
9:00 AM - Sunday School
10:15 AM - Worship Service (Online and In-person)
11:00 AM - Prayer Meeting
6:30 PM - GC Kids' Camps & Youth Group
Church Picnic
Our annual church picnic will be Sunday, September 22 following the service. The location will be at Heroes Park this year (3200 Harrison Rd, Mishawaka). There is limited seating, so, if able, bring chairs or blankets to sit on. The main dish, drinks, and tableware will be provided, but please sign up at the Info Center and indicate if you will bring a side or dessert.
Ladies Night
The Women of Worth group (geared towards working women and/or those with children still at home) will be meeting on Monday, September 16 at 6:30 PM. This will be a casual time of catching up and sharing and then walking a loop of the Riverwalk together. We’ll meet up at the Battell bandshell area. Feel free to bring a sack dinner.
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, September 24. This group meets at the church from 12:30—2:30 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Pickleball Classes
Pickleball classes are being offered on Mondays from 6-8 PM in September for ages 12+. Come to one or all the sessions. A new pickleball paddle will be given away at each session!
Community Bible Study
Do you want to learn more about who Jesus is and his ministry on earth? If so, CBS is for you! Community Bible Study has classes for men, women, youth, and children. There is a class option on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings. This year, we are studying the book of Matthew. Class starts September 9 at Gospel Center. Questions? Contact Kelly Wilson at 954-856-7408 or visit
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at Gospel Center aims to serve our River Park community, as well as our church family. If you or someone you know is need of food assistance, our pantry distributes food on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 10-11 AM. Please contact the church office on the Tuesday prior to distribution days to have your household added to the list.
Small Groups
The Christian life isn’t mean to be lived alone. God has given us brothers and sisters in Christ to walk alongside us and help us grow in our faith. This fall, if you’re not part of a small group, we’d love to help you find one! Just use a Connect Card and let us know!
Concert of Prayer
We will be having a Concert of Prayer on Sunday, October 13 at 6 PM. Join us for an evening of Prayer and Worship to kindle intimacy with God that will lead us to the fulfillment of His purposes in our home, our church, and our community. We will do this through
Spirit-led, scripture-fed, worship-based prayer.
Marilynn Ham Concert
Gospel Center is hosting Marilynn Ham, concert pianist and arranger, in concert on Sunday, October 20 at 6 PM. Marilynn served at Bethel University for 30 years as a professor and artist-in-residence. Plan to join us for this special evening. Refreshments will be served following the program. Click here to see more info.
October 12 - Artisan Market at Prairie Camp
October 19 - Youth Service Project at Cultivate
#ForRiverPark Community Outreach Team
We would like to re-assemble the Community Outreach Team known as #ForRiverPark. Would you like to be a part of blessing our community? Join us on Sunday, Sept. 15 for lunch following our Morning Worship Service. Everyone is welcome. Bring your ideas for blessing River Park. Please confirm your interest to attend by contacting Pastor Jim ( or by filling out a Connect Card and writing “#ForRiverPark” on it.
Fall Work Day
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our Fall Work Day on Saturday, October 5 from 8AM to noon. This is a great opportunity to beautify our church and prepare for the colder months. There are a number of projects that need to be completed, inside and outside.
Planning Ahead: Operation Christmas Child
We will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. Boxes are packed in late October and early November, but we thought we would mention it now so that you could plan ahead and take advantage of back-to-school sales for school supply items. Visit to learn more about how God can use a gift-filled shoebox given in Jesus’ name to transform a child, their family, and their community with the good news of the Gospel.
Sermon Intercessors
Prayer calls upon God to open hearts and minds of people to His Word as it is preached. Prayer calls upon God to fill the preacher with wisdom and power to declare the Word of God with boldness, clarity, and grace. We would like to have two people every Sunday in the prayer room during the sermon. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please fill out a Connect Card and write “Sermon Intercessor” on it.
Ways to Give Financially
Besides the offering taken during the morning service, there are four easy ways to give a financial donation. You can give in our church offering box located on the wall outside the sanctuary doors, online at our church website, mail it into our church office, or by texting your donation amount to 574-281-4998.